How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Once and for All

Bad breath can sneak up on you. You may have thought all was right in the world, and then one day, your friend catches a whiff and gives you a horrified look.

If that’s ever happened to you, don’t worry. There are some easy steps you can take to get rid of bad breath once and for all.

Brush Your Teeth After Meals

Brushing your teeth is a simple task that does not take too much time. You will want to use toothpaste with fluoride because that kills the bacteria that cause bad breath.

If you’re like many hard-working people in Elko, one of your meals takes place during business hours. There’s no shame in taking a toothbrush to work. This may seem unconventional, but it’s worth it for people struggling with bad breath. 

There are also more innovative tools that are easy to take on the go. Dental floss picks have toothpaste inside them that spreads to your teeth when you bite down. They’re perfect to use at work after you go out to eat, or while you’re traveling.

Your ultimate goal is to not let food particles sit in your mouth for long periods of time.

Don’t Forget Your Tongue

Your tongue is such an easy thing to neglect in your daily routine. It is impossible to get a tongue cavity, so why brush it? Well, the tongue is loaded with bacteria, and including it in your brushing routine is a simple step to take to get rid of bad breath.

Use Mouthwash

Brushing your teeth and tongue might do the trick, but if you want a mouth that is absolutely immaculate, mouthwash is the next go-to. It has the capability of reaching places your toothbrush can’t and drowning out bacteria. 

Mouthwashes have varied directions of use. Make sure you read the label to see what is recommended.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

There are certain foods that can make your bad breath situation even worse. Two examples are onions and garlic. Both foods have sulfur particles that stay in your mouth. They get absorbed into the bloodstream and leave as you breathe out.

Coffee and alcohol contribute to bad breath as well by facilitating bacteria growth in your mouth. They can keep saliva from flowing, and this enables bacteria to stay longer.

Meat, dairy, and soda may also have an effect on bad breath, but experts say this hasn’t been proven. If cutting down on these foods is too difficult, don’t worry. The more important thing to do is make sure you are brushing.

Talk To a Dentist

If you have tried everything and are still struggling with bad breath, there may be underlying medical issues that need to be addressed such as periodontal or gum disease. Consider talking to your dentist to see if you have an issue that requires treatment. If you don’t have one, consider the dentists at AnyDay Dental in Elko, Nevada who would be happy to take care of you.


April A.