5 Steps to Help Your Kids Avoid Cavities


Here’s one thing you don’t want to hear when your child is getting out of a dental appointment: “Your child has multiple cavities.” Inevitably, this leads to you forking over extra cash for another procedure in addition to your child mentally preparing for the drill. 

The good news is this scenario is completely avoidable. Here are 5 steps to help your kids avoid cavities.

  1. Make Sure They Are Brushing Their Teeth

It is recommended that everyone brushes at least twice a day, and children are no exception. Starting as soon as their baby teeth pop up won’t just help them prevent cavities, brushing will slowly turn into a lifelong habit. Make sure to take brushing just as seriously when your kids have baby teeth versus adult teeth. 

  1. Replace Sugary Snacks With Fruits

When you eat something high in sugar, the bacteria in your mouth reacts with the sugar and creates acid. This is bad news for your teeth because that acid breaks down tooth enamel, which leads to cavities.

If your child is craving snacks that have way too much sugar, fruits are a great alternative. Yes, they still contain sugar which can lead to cavities, but they also have a lot of vitamins and minerals that can have a protective effect on your child’s oral health. Fruits like apples and oranges also have fiber, which can help clean your kid’s teeth.

  1. Add Leafy Vegetables to Their Meals

This may or may not be popular with your child, but it is a good idea to include foods like spinach, kale, collard greens, or even cabbage to their meals. An easy way to sneak spinach in is by adding it to fruit smoothies. Not only do these leafy vegetables have fiber, they have vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, and beta-carotene. All of these nutrients together support overall dental health and help strengthen tooth enamel.

  1. Limit Sugary Drinks

It’s common knowledge sodas are a no-go if you’re trying to help your child prevent cavities, but what about fruit drinks like orange juice and apple juice? These should also be limited. They have more sugar than the fruit itself, and they don’t include as much fiber. Your child should eat the real fruit instead.

If your child craves something other than water, a good alternative is milk. It has vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus — which help build enamel. It also has casein, a protein that creates a protective layer on your child’s teeth and protects them from decay.

  1. Visit Your Local Dentist

Taking your child to the dentist regularly does a couple of things. It helps you keep tabs on their dental health, so you can make adjustments as needed. It also gives them an opportunity to get their teeth professionally cleaned, providing further protection from cavities.

If you’re looking for a dentist's office in Elko, Nevada that will take good care of your child, try AnyDay Dental. Our experienced dentists are great with kids and will do everything they can to help you prevent your kid from developing any more cavities.
